contraception & depression
I caught a glimpse of something on Social Media this morning and I think its the perfect subject for a blog... The article, discussed a...

endless web
Did you know there is a massive system of webs inside your body? This amazing system connects every part of your body to every other...

If this image brings pure panic, fearing congestion to the point of not being able to see this blog is for you! I wanted to discuss...

fat: friend or foe
Cholesterol- still a dirty word? Some facts about cholesterol: its produced by a healthy liver daily it is part of every cell in the...

fat: friend or foe?
The good, the bad and the down right ugly! Discussed briefly in the previous entry, fats come in many shapes and forms. There are...

fat- friend or foe?
After the last few entries about our much loved caffeine i'm thinking your due for some good news :- Fat is it the enemy! Is it the...

image:Raja's Cup granules. Melinda Roe I have learnt along my way that when we take something away from our life we need to replace it...

Image: Jason Roe Dandi latte Ok folks its time to discuss caffeine! Good timing after the last entry mentioning adrenal health... Its a...

stress storm
Do you ever feel like your in a stress storm? Do you feel like your about to break your anchors and become shipwrecked? Do you ever...

This image fills me with joy! are we so different from animals? all these beautiful souls need is food, water, shelter and above all...